Payroll Giving

Payroll Giving donations are deducted before tax so each £1 you give will only cost you 80p, and if you're a higher rate tax payer it will only cost you 60p. If your company has a scheme, it's simple: choose how much you want to give, tell your payroll department and they will do the rest. If there is no scheme in place, you can encourage them to set one up.

HMRC provides further information for employers and for employees or call their helpline on 0845 302 020.

Leaving A Legacy

Making a will gives a peace of mind and it also enables you to make provision for your partner and family and be sure that your wishes will be carried out. By leaving a legacy to When You Wish Upon a Star, we can make a real difference to children's Wishes long term. Legacy Giving is a powerful tool to ensure that our Wish children experience the magic of a Wish come true beyond your lifetime!

For more information on Legacy Giving, please send us an email to:

How You Can Leave Money To Grant a Child's Wish

  • Residuary Legacy

    The residue or part residue of your estate, after all debts and legacies are paid.

  • Pecuniary Legacy

    Leaving someone a specified amount of money.

  • Specific Legacy

    An item of value such as a house, furniture or items of value such as jewellery or an antique.

£1 =

Gift Aid - How It Works

Gift Aid means that your donation is worth even more at no extra cost to you. If you are a UK tax payer, When You Wish Upon a Star can claim an extra 25p for every pound you donate. All donations qualify, large or small, regular or one-off and whatever the method of payment. To be eligible for Gift Aid Scheme, You must pay less income tax and/or capital gains tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all donations.

Click here for more inforamtion or you can contact the Inland Revenue Charity helpline on 0845 3020203. To be eligible for Gift Aid Scheme, you must pay less income tax and/or capital gains tax in the current tax year than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all donations.

Gift Aid Form

Please notify When You Wish Upon a Star if you:

  • Want to cancel your Gift Aid declaration
  • Change your name or home address
  • No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains

Financial Statements

When You Wish Upon a Star ensures that your kind donations go towards helping fulfil the wishes of children living with life threatening or terminal illnesses. If you would like to view our financial reports, you can do so by visiting the Charity Commission site here.

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