16th March 2018

Seeking New Corporate Partnerships

We are excitedly seeking new corporate partnerships to help continue our magical work.

Can you help us to grant more Wishes through your work place?

Corporate partner

Your company can make a difference by partnering with us, or do you know a company who is looking for a charity?

We have a range of exciting and engaging fundraising ideas. Please get in touch with us and nominate us through your workplace.

We're the ideal charity partner for either large or small companies

Supporting us will help meet your corporate and social responsibility needs. Whether it’s a one-off event or a long-term partnership we can provide ideas and support for fundraising initiatives, staff engagement activities or sponsorship opportunities for your company.

Your support will make a huge difference to the lives of the amazing and inspirational children and their families who we work with.

If you work for a company that has a charitable giving programme why not nominate When You Wish Upon A Star as a charity partner and help us to grant that one magical Wish

Please contact our office today for more information or to discuss a charity partnership within your workplace.

Email - head.office@whenyouwish.org.uk

Call – 01159791720

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