Wish Terms & Conditions
We are pleased that you are considering making an application for a Wish for your child with When You Wish Upon a Star. We hope that we can help. The charity aims to grant the Wishes of children living with life-threatening illnesses from the age of 4 – 16 years throughout the UK.
Important Criteria
Regretfully, under certain circumstances we will not be able to assist:
- If your child has received a Wish from another charity we will be unable to assist.
- The Wish child is not a British Citizen – However, they can be considered if they have legally resided within the UK for a minimum of 3 years.
- If a chronic lifelong disease, such as Type 1 Diabetes or Cystic Fibrosis, affects your child with no additional severe life threatening complications, we will be unable to assist. For most such conditions there are excellent support charities, which can help your child to learn to normalize living with their condition, and these would be more appropriate.
- If your child has suffered from a sudden acute severe injury or illness from which they are now making good progress and their current condition is not life-threatening.
Wish Terms
The Wish application must be fully completed and cannot be submitted unless all fields are complete. You are required to state 3 different Wish options in case your initial Wish is not possible. Wherever possible, all 3 Wishes must be those of the Wish child and should always be centred around what they are likely to get most enjoyment from. If your Wish list includes a UK holiday, please be aware you are only permitted to include one holiday as an option.
- We are NO longer open for overseas Wishes.
- When You Wish Upon a Star will not provide spending money.
- On any Wish, we will, if appropriate, pay for the immediate family members including parents and siblings up to and including the of 18 years whilst still in full-time education, but we will not pay for extended family or friends. Some Wishes, by their nature, may have limited numbers of participants.
- Due to building regulations and safety issues, we are unable to consider any Wishes associated with home / garden construction work.
- We will not consider hot tubs or spas.
- We will not supply any domestic pets / animals / birds.
- In an effort to grant your child’s Wish, it may be necessary to visit you at your home to meet both you and your child to discuss any arrangements to enable us to fulfil the Wish. This might also be done by video call if appropriate.
- We will require the medical authorisation, consent form, media disclaimer and a recent photo of the Wish child to be completed and submitted as part of the Wish application.
- Upon receipt of all our requirements, we will contact your child’s Medical Consultant directly. As we are not medically trained, we will rely on the expert opinion of your child’s Medical Consultant to confirm your child does meet the charity criteria and the Wish chosen is suitable for your child.
- You Wish will not be accepted until we have the medical confirmation of life threatening illness.
And finally...
Once all of our requirements have been met, the Charity Wish Team, who meet on a regular basis, will assess the Wish for eligibility. Wish decisions are not open to appeal.
If your child is accepted for a Wish our Wish Team will work with you to create a Wish based on the information that has been given. Your first or, even second, Wish may not be possible, or appropriate, at this time but we always endeavor to make a magical personalised Wish.
We look forward to receiving your completed Wish application,
The Wish Team

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