15th December 2020
Christmas Message From The Team
We hope you are all keeping safe and well during these difficult times.
As 2020 draws to a close like for all of us it has been a hard and challenging year especially for our small Wish granting charity but not least for our amazing Wish Children who have had their dream Wish sadly cancelled or put on hold due to the pandemic. We were excited and ready to grant Wishes during our 30th Birthday year and celebrate a huge milestone in the charities history. Unfortunately the pandemic put a sudden and unexpected halt to all our happy plans for this year. With our fundraising income significantly down, we have struggled to fulfil the very reason we are here – to grant their Wishes.
This year we have found new ways to work and adapt and even though we aren’t able to see each other face to face, we caught up with Wish families, friends and supporters via Zoom and made sure we were still able to impact on the lives of our Wish families and to let them know we are very much thinking of them all at this time.
We are sadly still not in a position to grant the vast majority of our 120 Wishes on hold, however we have been able to support some localised Wishes such as inspirational Lucas whose Wish was for a plasma screen to play and watch Minecraft as he entered into shielding, something that many of our Wish children still face to this day.
We sent out 107 30th Birthday Wish Care Gifts in September to our Wish Children bringing happiness, smiles, laughter and new precious memories.
This year our amazing supporters have completed an Arctic Trek in Finland in February and when lockdown started took on virtual walks, runs , cycles to Lapland, fitness challenges, 5km a day, cycle from England to Wales, jumpathons, North Coast 500 in Scotland, walking a million steps in your own back garden, Easter Egg raffles, Virtual Concerts, talent shows, on line auctions, walking a marathon in a day, Santa runs & Elf Wish Walks to name just a few incredible ways that our supporters raised much needed Wish pounds for our work!
We can’t thank everyone enough who has supported us this year!
As we look to our new future of wish granting and fundraising events for 2021 we will continue to have our charities mission at the forefront of everything that we do “to grant the Wishes of children aged 4-16 who live with a life threatening illness”. When You Wish Upon a Star’s important work can only be done with your support, as a non- government funded charity we rely solely on the generosity of individuals, organisations, community groups and corporate support to ensure we can deliver the amazing Wishes for our Children and their families. To be able to share the news that we can start to grant Wishes once again due to our incredible supporters across the UK and their generosity would be the most amazing start to 2021.
We invite you to be part of the magic and thank you for your continued support for 2021 and wish you all a very safe and Happy Christmas!
Love all the Wish Team