21st June 2019

Jenson's Wish

What a lovely message from an amazing Wish family.

We are absolutely blown away by our amazing family holiday we’ve just had to Dubai, which was only made possible by the fabulous charity When You Wish Upon a Star


Jenson hasn’t flown by aeroplane before and due to Jenson’s condition this was the best time to go. Unfortunately Duchenne affects the heart and respiratory system, so as he gets older and the condition progresses, he will not be able to fly.

So thankful for this opportunity which gave us amazing memories and the chance to have time together as a family, which we rarely get the chance to at home.

Jenson has amazing energy and always goes to sleep so late at night (10/11pm). This holiday he had great fun running along the beach late at night and jumping into the very warm waves.

Thank you to all our supporters, because without your help, we simply could not make such magical things happen, for our very deserving Wish children 

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