8th December 2017

Julie takes the plunge for star charity

A Pocklington woman has raised more than £800 for the When You Wish Upon a Star charity. 


Julie Summerfield, 53, recently took on a skydiving challenge to help bolster the charity’s coffers, jumping out of an aircraft at 15,000 feet. The money raised by Julie will sponsor two wish children as they join this year’s special Christmas Trip on board the Santa Express. Julie said: “As soon as we left the aircraft it was such a fantastic feeling to be free falling at such a rate, covering speeds of up to 180mph.

“I was so thrilled to have completed the jump that I wanted to do it again. I was delighted to take part and was buzzing from the experience all day long. I would recommend anyone to do this, given the chance, as it’s the most exhilarating experience.”

Read more at: https://www.pocklingtonpost.co...

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